Sum-News is an app to curate the news for the user and provide brief summery of them in a digestable way.

It is a portfolio website for a frontend developer. It's UI is Modern, clean and easy to navigate.

Wildcamper is an app for outdoor lovers and campers. It has so many features to assist user before and during the experience.

New Leaf is a website for a tree charity organization that is hoping to save the forests of Great Britain.

Here is
about me A curved orange arrow pointing down to indicate that the content is below

Who am I?

UX and UI designer Tui Lucking

l am a mountain biker, neuroscience enthusiast, and more recently a novice digital product designer. My goal now is being a one-stop creative person who converts good ideas into good products.

After 12 years of experience in the social sciences, research and education sector, I wanted to shift my career and flourish as a product designer. I am super excited to learn, grow, design and adapt to the changes in tech.


Why did I choose to be a product designer?

Throughout my life, whenever I have encountered a product that has disappointed me in some way, I have often found myself asking "Who designed this?" Conversely, whenever I have come across a product that has consistently pleased me, I have been left wondering about the intelligence behind it. After learning about digital product design, I realised that I was meant to be part of this field, and my journey in it began.


My personality and work ethic

My work is an extension of me! I have a strong sense of meticulousness. Undone, imprecise, and flimsy works deeply disturb me. I dislike networking, because real relationships can be built on compatibility and mutual values. I try to get more competent every day by learning, instead of faking it until making it.

Here is
my resume A curved orange arrow pointing down to indicate that the content is below


Design tools and skills

I mostly use Figma, Webflow, Miro, AdobeXD, Adobe Illustrator and PS in digital product design practices.

I confidently apply all steps of product design process such as research, user demographic, ideation, wireframing, prototyping and user testing. I am particularly knowledgeable about the research phase due to my sociology career. I am familiar with working with developers as well.


Language skills

English - Nativelike

Turkish - Native

Spanish - Intermediate



Selçuk University - Art Academy

- Sociology Bachelor's
Degree (2007)

UCLAN - Sociology Master's Degree (2009)

Google - UX Design Certificate

My Timeline


English teacher


Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo

CP / English tutor



Social Worker and assistant researcher


Basaksehir Vocational College

Sociology teacher
